The authors took part in the summer school 'With Namibia: Engaging the Past, Sharing the Future' in July and October 2022 and share some of their findings and experiences here.
In this project with the Linden-Museum Stuttgart and the University of Namibia in Windhoek, young historians worked together on the German-Namibian past and intensively discussed the future of colonial museum collections.
It documents the diverse perspectives of the participating students and historical experts on the current restitution debate.
The results are also reflected in our book: "With Namibia: Engaging the Past, Sharing the Future". You can get it here.
Notes on the Creation of the Web Documentary:
A content-based project work by Julia Göke, Jennifer Francke, Timo Mäule, and Bernd-Stefan Grewe.
Responsible for content under §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act): Bernd-Stefan Grewe (see imprint).
Digital implementation: Jennifer Francke and Timo Mäule.